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Berean Baptist Church


Located in the beautiful bluffs of Galesville, WI. We are a place to grow in the Lord as we provide comfort and guidance by the Word of God. 
Everyone is welcome!


Church History.

     Berean Baptist Church was started as a mission outreach of Temple Baptist Church in La Crosse in October of 1964.  It became formally organized on December 12, 1965.
     In June of 1970 Pastor Mark Shore came to the pastorate. Through Pastor Shore’s ministry the church saw steady growth. He remained pastor until his wife and three boys were taken home to be with the Lord in 1971.
     During the time following Pastor Shore we had a few short term pastors including Pastor Bledsoe. Then on Mother’s Day of 1974 Richard Hurd became pastor. In 1976, his dreams of the church having a Christian School became a reality. Berean Christian School exists to this day and has been a blessing to many families throughout its years. Pastor Hurd helped in the establishment of the Berean Christian Youth Ranch which was responsible for helping troubled teens from 1980-1988. During Pastor Hurd's years of leadership the church moved to its present location on Hwy 53. He had a great vision for the Berean Baptist Church and its surrounding community. On January 7, 2003, after more than 28 years of service as pastor of Berean Baptist Church Pastor Hurd went to be with the Lord. He is greatly missed.
     The Lord greatly blessed in bringing Pastor David Kindness and his wife, Ann to us here at Berean. He and his wife were a great blessing during this time of healing . In August  of 2011 we were blessed to have Pastor Mark Stauffacher accept the position of Senior Pastor. Pastor Mark his wife Laura and  their four children are an answer to prayer.

Contact us with any questions or prayer requests


Telephone : ​608-582-2824

Berean Baptist Church
N20601 US Hwy 53
Galesville, WI 54630

Thank you For Visiting with us!

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